I've heard the words "life coach" come up a lot lately, as in, I want you to meet Barry, he's my life coach. Now, I can't decide which aspect repulses me more the idea that someone needs a coach in order to live, or that there are people out there preying on the weak of heart and feeble of mind to legitimize a profession of "life coach."
How did we come to this, people?! Did someone wake up one day and say, God, this living thing is so hard. If only there was someone who is not me to tell me exactly how I should be living my life. Because, after all, who knows me better than some stranger I give money to?
Did our parents, grandparents or great-grandparents need life coaches? Hell no! They survived the toughest times this country has thrown at them by their own determination and resolve. So before you decide you can't figure this crazy world out because they stopped making your favorite brand of yogurt, think of your great-aunt Agnes who had to strain water through a ketchup-smeared napkin to make enough tomato soup for her extended family of 15. I'm sure she'd smack your fool head with a wooden spoon, old-school style.