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About Me

So this is the place where I blab about who I am, the guy who created the site you're wasting your time on. (You don't have anything more productive to do? Really?)

Originally from Binghamton, NY some 40 years ago and a Rochester native for over 20 years, I live with my fantastic wife, two stepsons, and three dogs in Pittsford, NY (that's outside of Rochester in the remote chance that some stranger stumbles onto this site. Again—nothing more productive to do?). I'm a technical writer with HTML development and XML expertise who works for a local manufacturer in the health industry.

Outside of work, my main outdoor hobby is mountain biking (mostly XC these days since my bones can't take much DH anymore). That includes repairing and building my own bikes and wheels. I also enjoy hiking, skiing, and exploring historic architecture, all with my wife.

Music-wise, I listen mostly to classic hard rock and jazz, and love playing bass in my local band, Household Pest. Once in a while I annoy those in earshot with my guitar-dabbling.

My viewing interests? I enjoy watching Formula 1 racing, Yankees baseball, classic movies, and mobs of people fleeing in panic.

Smiling cartoon 50s guy with hat